Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Which Layer of Rock Came First?

From oldest to youngest the layers of rock are: 4,5,2,B,6,1,3,A
The reason 4 and 5 are listed as the oldest is because they are on the bottom. 2 is next because it cut through 4 and 5  but the B cut through 4, 5 and 2 so that make it younger than 4, 5 and 2. Next is number 6 because it is above the layers listed before, then it is number 1 because it is above all the layers listened before. Then is number 3 because it cuts through every layer answered before. The lastly is conformity A because it is conforming everything and not just some layers.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is the Earth 6,000 years old?

The answer is no! About three or four hundred years ago people started to question whether the Earth was six thousand years old. One of the reasons why people started to question if the Earth was really only that old was that they could see how many layers of rocks there were and saw that there were too many layers of rocks for only six thousand years.