Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Which Layer of Rock Came First?

From oldest to youngest the layers of rock are: 4,5,2,B,6,1,3,A
The reason 4 and 5 are listed as the oldest is because they are on the bottom. 2 is next because it cut through 4 and 5  but the B cut through 4, 5 and 2 so that make it younger than 4, 5 and 2. Next is number 6 because it is above the layers listed before, then it is number 1 because it is above all the layers listened before. Then is number 3 because it cuts through every layer answered before. The lastly is conformity A because it is conforming everything and not just some layers.

1 comment:

  1. You're right on, with the exception of "A." It separates the sedimentary layers above it from the tilted ones below it.
